Obama Claims Unnamed Watchdog Group Determined His Administration Is Most Transparent In Modern History

Honest, he really said that!

“This is the first White House EVER where you know every single person who visits the White House. …anybody who comes to visit the White House you know who it is.”

Well, that sure seems to be just a wee bit disingenuous considering Obama fought like hell against releasing the logs of visitors to the White House…

msnbc.msn.com–Obama blocks list of visitors to White House. Taking Bush’s position, administration denies msnbc.com request for logs

The Obama administration is fighting to block access to names of visitors to the White House, taking up the Bush administration argument that a president doesn’t have to reveal who comes calling to influence policy decisions.

Despite President Barack Obama’s pledge to introduce a new era of transparency to Washington, and despite two rulings by a federal judge that the records are public, the Secret Service has denied msnbc.com’s request for the names of all White House visitors from Jan. 20 to the present. It also denied a narrower request by the nonpartisan watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which sought logs of visits by executives of coal companies….read the rest here>>>

…and then, when the woefully INCOMPLETE logs were finally released (which happened to contain the name of infamous America hater George Soros) he claimed that visitors such as William “Bill” Ayers, was not THE Bill Ayers–you know the domestic terrorist and Barack Obama “co-worker” and neighbor.

That the visitor Bertha Lewis was not THE Bertha Lewis–you know the CEO of ACORN the community agitator/voter registration fraud group that Mr. Obama used to work very closely with.

That the Jeremiah Wright was not THE Jeremiah Wright–you know the America hating pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ that Barack Obama and his wife belonged to for over 20 years.

That the visitor Malik Shabazz was not THE Malik Shabazz–you know the leader of the “New Black Panthers,” the group who had a couple of members standing outside a Philadelphia area polling place during last year’s presidential election intimidating anyone who didn’t have the right “creds” to go inside and vote. This is a FEDERAL OFFENSE by the way so what happened to these guys? Why, Obama’s Department of Justice dropped the charges!

“The Recovery Act that I just talked about-we put every dollar of spending in the Recovery Act on a website. You can go and look up, right now, every dollar that’s been spent in the Recovery Act. You know where it’s been spent, who got contracts, how it’s been spent. That’s all there! Plain as day, for everybody to see.”

Oh yes, that Recovery.gov website that Joe “Hey, what’s that website number again?” Biden (remember when Obama put Joe in charge of all those billions of stimulus pork because nobody messes with Plugs..er Joe?) knows all about which cost the American taxpayers 18 million dollars to overhaul?

Track every dollar spent over there at the 18 million dollar Recovery.gov says Barack Obama?

abcnews.go.com–Leading members of Congress from both parties are promising increased scrutiny of the Obama administration’s data on job creation, amid widespread errors in official stimulus data reported by the federal government. A raft of reports of questionable or downright faulty jobs numbers — including many uncovered by ABC News that show dozens of jobs created and millions of dollars spent in congressional districts that don’t exist — has cast a harsh spotlight on the jobs claims connected to the $787 billion stimulus package. (SNIP) House Appropriations Chairman David Obey is calling the inaccuracies on Recovery.gov, the $18 million Web site that’s tracking stimulus spending, “outrageous,” and called on the Obama administration to immediately fix problems that have come to light. “The administration owes itself, the Congress, and every American a commitment to work night and day to correct the ludicrous mistakes,” said Obey, D-Wis. “Credibility counts in government and stupid mistakes like this undermine it. We’ve got too many serious problems in this country to let that happen”….read the rest here>>>

Wooops. Then…

washingtontimes.com–The government Web site that promised to show exactly where the $787 billion in stimulus spending was going to “create or save” jobs is allocating billions of tax dollars to hundreds of congressional districts that don’t exist. Researchers at the Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity found 440 “phantom districts” listed on Recovery.gov, consuming $6.4 billion and creating or saving nearly 30,000 jobs. Their findings are listed HERE. For example, Recovery.gov shows 12 districts, using up more than $2.7 billion, in Washington, D.C, which only has one congressional district. Recovery.gov also shows 2,893.9 jobs created with $194,537,372 in stimulus funding in New Hampshire’s 00 congressional district. But, there is no such thing. The site also shows $1,471,518 going to New Hampshire’s 6th congressional district, $1,033,809 to the 4th congressional district and $124,774 to the 27th congressional district. In fact, New Hampshire only has two congressional districts; inviting confusion about where the money listed for the 00, 4th, 6th and 27th districts is going….read the rest here>>>

Whoops. Then…

washingtonexaminer.com–Recovery.gov, the Obama administration’s supposedly transparent attempt to let citizens know how every dollar of the $787 billion stimulus package was spent, is turning out to be a lot more comic fiction than fact. Not only have fake jobs been reported in phantom congressional districts, Steve Allen Adams of NewMexicoWatchdog.org discovered that some of the $27 million of federal money his state received also went to nonexistent zip codes: read the rest here>>>

Oh, this wasn’t a fluke. Look here and here and here and here. I could go on but I think we all get the point that something nefarious appears to be going on here with Obama’s “Recovery Act.” In addition his seriously annoying inability to tell the truth to the American people is really starting to open the eyes of millions of folks all around the country.

unionleader.com–President Obama comes to Nashua today to try to sell New Hampshire on his sudden, post-Scott Brown commitment to job creation, deficit reduction and spending restraint. He can speechify all he wants, but the people aren’t buying it, and for good reason. The President is plainly and obviously not telling the truth.

He said his health care reform would let us keep our current health care plans. It didn’t.

He said (at a stop in Dover a year and a half ago) that no one earning less than $250,000 a year would see “any” tax increase. He then raised cigarette taxes and pushed a new energy tax and a tax on health benefits, among others.

He said he would oppose pork spending. Then he looked the other way as pork projects reached record numbers.

He said he’d cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. The budget he released yesterday raises it to its highest level in history.

He promised to air health care negotiations on C-SPAN. Then, in the words of The Associated Press, “the White House made multibillion-dollar deals with hospitals and pharmaceutical companies in private.”

The President thinks his words can fool us, but his actions are louder, and they tell us one thing very clearly: His slick talk is just that — talk….

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Hey Joe Biden, The Name Of The Movie Is A-v-a-t-a-r

The film Avatar has been a worldwide blockbuster since it’s release last month and has become the highest grossing film in history in record time. I’m reasonably certain even my dog is aware of that fact but we can always count on the man who is one step away from the presidency to be clueless as a lamp post when it comes to what’s going on around him.

What century would that be again there Joe?

And here he goes again with his stumbling bumbling and fumbling. Hey, it’s been awhile so let’s look back at some of those infamous Joe Biden gems we’re used to seeing and hearing on a regular basis shall we?

…how about that “meet Barack America!” moment?

“Stand up Chuck let em see ya!” (Yes folks, Chuck is confined to a wheelchair)

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent…”

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Wednesday February 3rd

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Terror attack on U.S. ‘certain,’ Senate told

The five senior leaders of the U.S. intelligence community told a Senate panel Tuesday they are “certain” that terrorists will attempt another attack on the United States in the next three to six months. The warning came during the annual threat briefing to Congress in response to questions from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, who asked, “What is the likelihood of another terrorist-attempted attack on the U.S homeland in the next three to six months? High or low?” “An attempted attack, the priority is certain, I would say,” said Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair, a retired admiral. Four other intelligence agency leaders who appeared at the hearing with Adm. Blair said they agreed with the assessment. [Thank God we have a fumbling rookie in the White House and some seriously incompetent morons heading up Homeland Security and the Justice Department! I’m left wondering what the odds are this “for certain” terrorist attack happens oh, sometime just before the November elections which would make it (them) just in time for Obama to sign an executive order suspending the elections and the Constitution…ed]

Yemeni tankers OK’d in harbor

The Coast Guard said yesterday that it will allow tankers carrying liquefied natural gas from Yemen into Boston Harbor despite concerns about the cargo coming from a country that has been called a haven for terrorists. The decision, which means LNG ships could begin arriving in Everett later this month, drew immediate condemnation from Mayor Thomas M. Menino, a longtime critic of allowing LNG shipments through the harbor. He accused the Coast Guard of putting profits ahead of people. “This is all about helping a commercial enterprise,’’ Menino said in an interview. “I’m about helping protect people’s property and lives. They’re saying they will be as safe as any other LNG ship. I say they’ll be as unsafe as any other LNG ship.’’ [Correction: OBAMA has made the decision to allow these shipments NOT the Coast Guard. We have OCEANS of natural gas just waiting to be tapped right here in this country and that effort would bring hundreds of thousands of jobs related to the industry to the American people. Why in the HELL are we importing this stuff from a country well KNOWN to be a safe haven for terrorists?…ed]

KSM will never get a civilian trial

Though New York City will apparently be spared the unnecessary expense and disruptions of a civilian trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed & Co., President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are threatening to take the show on the road to some other unfortunate locale. But mark our words, it won’t happen. KSM and his cohorts will be tried in a military commission at Guantanamo Bay — because the administration has made it almost impossible for them to get a fair trial in a civilian court. In a typical criminal case, the government says very little outside of court, and what it does say in public is limited to a plain-vanilla recitation of the accusations with liberal use of the word “alleged” before the charges, as well as a reminder that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is for good reason: A defendant has a right to a fair trial, and pretrial publicity that is unduly prejudicial will deny the defendant that right. [Dana Perino, co author of this article and former George W. Bush press secretary, points out how this administration has hopelessly tainted the jury pool thereby forcing Obama to reverse his stupid decision to try ‘KSM’ in a civilian court…ed]

What We Lost While Abdulmutallab Clammed Up

The White House yesterday leaked the news that the Christmas Day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, had begun cooperating with FBI interrogators last week. The Washington press corps quickly declared victory for the Obama administration and suggested that the news vindicated the decision to read Abdulmutallab his Miranda rights just 10 hours after he was detained and after just 50 minutes of questioning. It’s good news that Abdulmutallab is talking. But he started talking five weeks after the attack. Intelligence is perishable. The U.S. government passed on an opportunity to interrogate him at a time when his al Qaeda sponsors in Yemen probably thought he was incapable of talking. And the the fact that he is cooperating now should not obscure the gross mishandling of the incident by the Obama administration. [Had a Republican administration fumbled this situation as badly as this one has the lamestream media would be ALL OVER IT. When their guy puts the entire country in peril because of his unbelievably stupid handling of the underwear bomber all we get are crickets. When not IF a grip of innocent Americans are slaughtered before the year is out, their blood will be on one man’s hands…ed]

What exactly did Bush and Cheney do wrong?

As I noted several days ago, it is not only Republicans — but Democratic and media establishment figures as well — who clearly crave the preservation of the Bush/Cheney approach to Terrorism and civil liberties. When Bush’s popularity collapsed to historic lows, political and media elites pretended for awhile to object to his administration’s fear-based and radical policies as extremist and an assault on “our values.” But that was all just such a transparent pretense. In those few instances where Obama has rejected the Bush/Cheney template, the outrage and hysteria from Democratic and media voices is pervasive, and is growing louder. Just look at these illustrative incidents. [Wow looky here. A bunch of liberals are now looking back to the Bush/Cheney days with longing eyes now that they realize their ‘messiah’s’ policies are going to get a bunch of Americans killed, perhaps even some of them or their family members…ed]

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Tuesday February 2nd

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

The Obama Spell Is Broken

The curtain has come down on what can best be described as a brief un-American moment in our history. That moment began in the fall of 2008, with the great financial panic, and gave rise to the Barack Obama phenomenon. The nation’s faith in institutions and time-honored ways had cracked. In a little-known senator from Illinois millions of Americans came to see a savior who would deliver the nation out of its troubles. Gone was the empiricism in political life that had marked the American temper in politics. A charismatic leader had risen in a manner akin to the way politics plays out in distressed and Third World societies. There is nothing surprising about where Mr. Obama finds himself today. He had been made by charisma, and political magic, and has been felled by it. If his rise had been spectacular, so, too, has been his fall. [If you read nothing else today, grab this one for sure…ed]

Deficit of Trust: Most Voters Don’t Believe President’s Assertions About Economy

During his State-of-the-Union address Wednesday night, President Obama spoke about a deficit of trust between the American people and political leaders. New Rasmussen Reports polling on the president’s speech shows just how deep that trust deficit has become. The president in the speech declared that his administration has cut taxes for 95% of Americans. He even chided Republicans for not applauding on that point. However, just 21% of voters nationwide believe that taxes have been cut for 95% of Americans. Most (53%) say it has not happened, and 26% are not sure. Other polling shows that nearly half the nation’s voters expect their own taxes to go up during the Obama years. The president also asserted that “after two years of recession, the economy is growing again.” Just 35% of voters believe that statement is true, while 50% say it is false. Obama claimed that steps taken by his team are responsible for putting two million people to work “who would otherwise be unemployed.” Just 27% of voters say that statement is true. Fifty-one percent (51%) say it’s false. [He’s a liar and the American people, even some who were all goo goo eyed over the guy a year ago, are finally starting to realize it…ed]

Salesman Obama: Nobody’s buying it

President Obama comes to Nashua today to try to sell New Hampshire on his sudden, post-Scott Brown commitment to job creation, deficit reduction and spending restraint. He can speechify all he wants, but the people aren’t buying it, and for good reason. The President is plainly and obviously not telling the truth. He said his health care reform would let us keep our current health care plans. It didn’t. He said (at a stop in Dover a year and a half ago) that no one earning less than $250,000 a year would see “any” tax increase. He then raised cigarette taxes and pushed a new energy tax and a tax on health benefits, among others. [Ouchy. Looks like the previous Rasmussen article was spot on…ed]

Obama’s SOTU speech scores readability of an eighth grader, two grades below GWB

Former Presidents George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan did not have it easy when it came to critics attacking their intelligence, while President Obama, Former Vice – President Al Gore, and Former President Bill Clinton have been hailed as brilliant. Here is an interesting nugget of new information, though. President Obama blamed himself for not being able to communicate his message properly to Americans, but a new analysis of the president’s State of the Union speech, brings to light why Mr. Obama could be having problems in this area. President Obama’s State of the Union speech was ranked fourth to the lowest since FDR’s first SOTU speech in 1934, says Smart Politics, a blog of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.: “Text of Obama’s Address has a readability score for an average 8th grader – two grades lower than George W. Bush’s Addresses and the historical average for modern presidents.” [No wonder he got that nice bounce after the speech. His lamebrained supporters might have actually been able to understand some of what he said since he tried to keep it at their level…ed]

Obama’s got real trouble at home

Even in this winter of President Obama’s discon tent, things appear likely to get much bleaker for him before they get any better. The first casualties were Democratic governors who fell in New Jersey and Virginia. Then it was Camelot, seized by the enemy in Massachusetts. These Republican encroachments deep in Democratic territory appeared almost effortless. Obama’s pleas on behalf of Democratic candidates — words of gold just one year ago — fell like millstones around their necks. [The money lines come at the end of the article. Funny stuff indeed…ed]

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Top Democrats Caught Gettin' All Horny Over Senator Scott Brown

I’ll tell you what, the new Republican Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, had better be real careful before hitting the Capitol shower room if ol Barney Frank is anywhere in the building!

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Mr. Obama, Stop It With The Bowing. Really Just STOP IT!

Honestly, all this silly bowing stuff has just got to stop Mr. Obama. It’s getting really embarrassing for all us real Americans out here.

Wait. What’s that you say? Your plan is to embarrass this country every time you turn around? Well if that’s the case, it’s about the only thing you happen to be doing well these days.

nydailynews.com–President Obama may be in for another bowing brouhaha. Obama appears to greet the mayor of Tampa, Pam Iorio, with a bow in a picture taken last week by an Associated Press photographer. The meeting between Obama and Mayor Iorio took place at MacDill Air Force Base, in Tampa.

Right-leaning media outlets quickly pounced on Bam’s bend.

“The mayor of Tampa isn’t a Third World potentate, totalitarian dictator, or terrorist leader so I can’t understand why Obama would be in full-bow mode,” a post on the conservative blog Red State read. “Is bowing now the standard way the President greets people these days?”…read the rest here>>>

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Illinois Lieutenant Governor's Race Features A Fabulous Radio Ad For Democrat Rickey Hendon

The Committee to elect Rickey Hendon for Illinois’s next Lieutenant Governor, the second highest office in the land of Lincoln, has just released a powerful, hard hitting radio ad evidently designed to not only highlight the Democrat’s numerous accomplishments as an Illinois State Senator for the last 16 years but also to bring those who may be unfamiliar with the man on board and into the fold.

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Obama Admits His Promise We Will Be Able To Keep Current Health Plans Would Have Been "Violated" In ObamaCare

Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama say they will push forward with their ObamaCare legislation even though it is extremely unpopular in this country with 61% of Americans saying they want Congress to immediately drop this nonsense and concentrate on reducing out of control government spending and the economy.

rasmussenreports.com–Sixty-one percent (61%) of U.S. voters say Congress should drop health care reform and focus on more immediate ways to improve the economy and create jobs. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% of voters nationwide disagree and think Congress should press ahead with health care. Fifty-nine percent (59%) say given the country’s current economic situation, the Obama administration should wait on health care reform until the economy improves….read the rest here>>>

The American people have watched as the Democrat leadership in Congress have stooped to bribing members in their own party and hiding behind closed doors while locking Republicans out of the debate in order to squeeze ObamaCare through both houses on strict party line votes and they don’t trust the process. Americans don’t like the discussion of legislation among lawmakers that will have a dramatic impact on their lives hidden from public view. Americans aren’t real fond of being lied to by the politicians they put in office either and they’re getting sick and tired of it.

Obama has pledged repeatedly that if you have a health insurance plan and you are happy with it then you will be able to keep it for as long as you wish.

He said the goal of his ObamaCare plan wasn’t to herd everyone into government run healthcare much like Canada and England but to provide coverage for Americans who didn’t have insurance and reduce costs for everyone by introducing a government run plan (which would be fed forever with taxpayer dollars and wouldn’t need to make a profit like a private company does in order to stay in business) that would allegedly offer competition to private insurance companies resulting in a theoretical drop in healthcare costs for everyone. This very unpopular proposal pushed by the far left Nancy Pelosi crowd in the House was rejected by moderate Democrats in the Senate and is widely considered to be dead in the water at this point, as far as can be determined that is because one can never tell what kind of bribes or threats Congress critters are susceptible to these days.

Keep in mind Mr. Obama’s plan all along has been to push everyone in this country into government run healthcare, also known by the terms single payer and universal coverage, but here he admits that it won’t be easy to pull this off against the American people and he knows he’ll have to be patient and sneaky about it.

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Healthcare Issues , , , , , , , , 1 Comment

Obama's Poll Numbers Greatly Improve After SOTU Speech

Barack Hussein Obama’s poll numbers took a huge leap over at Rasmussen in the first update since his State of the Union insultfest in which he chastised, sometimes angrily, the American people, Republicans, Democrats, Congress in general and even the U.S. Supreme Court for not just bowing down to his agenda and going along quietly with his program.

For the first time since November 14, 2009 Obama climbed back into the single digits in Rasmussen’s ‘strongly disapprove’ category. For those who haven’t been keeping track, because the lamestream media sure as hell won’t tell you about it, the last time Obama was in positive numbers in the ‘strongly approve’ column was all the was back on June 29, 2009. For well over half his term the percentage of likely voters who strongly disapprove of his job performance outnumber those who strongly approve, often by double digits.

Unfortunately for Mr. Obama the big bounce in the polls came strictly from likely Democrat voters with the crucial Independent voters actually pulling even further away from him following the SOTU speech. It goes without saying the mood of GOP voters towards the president after the speech hasn’t improved.
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Saturday January 30th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Haiti Aid Efforts Go Awry in the ‘Convoy to Nowhere’

Scott Lewis hoped to deliver more than one million meals to Haitians on Wednesday via a 15-truck convoy brimming with beans and rice. Instead, “It was the convoy to nowhere,” Mr. Lewis said. Well after dusk, the 52-year-old founder of a U.S. disaster-relief organization had barely delivered any food, other than some bags left at a missionary hospital, and a few more bags that got looted from the convoy as it crawled along crowded streets. Trucks conked out. Communication with the U.S. military broke down. Traffic snarled the streets. Hungry crowds made handing out food unsafe. [Haiti is an absolute mess. There is no leadership, no organization no one in charge. We have thousands of troops over there and there is no clear mission for these soldiers. The lamestream media has been hammering George W. Bush for years over Katrina even though the Democrat mayor of New Orleans and the Democrat Governor of the state at the time are the people who should have been held responsible for the lack of preparedness and the ensuing calamity. Think they’ll report on Obama’s Katrina with the same fervor?…ed]

U.S. suspends medical evacuations from Haiti

The U.S. military said on Friday it has stopped flying Haitian earthquake victims to the United States for medical attention following concerns by some state governments about who will pay for the treatment. “At this moment in time, yes, the flights have stopped,” said Navy Captain Kevin Aandahl, a spokesman for the U.S. Transportation Command, which manages the military’s medical emergency airlifts. “We have to have a destination to bring them to,” Aandahl said, citing media reports Florida had told the U.S. government that the state needed help paying for the care. “If Florida isn’t taking them … and I can’t confirm this, but I think Georgia has made a similar statement, so if we can’t bring them anywhere for treatment, then they’re staying in Haiti.” [Can you imagine the outcry if a Republican president ordered a halt to medical evacuations of Haitians to the U.S. over financial concerns? That said, why in the hell hasn’t the REST of the world stepped up to help these people? Hello socialist Europe, anybody there?…ed]

Americans arrested taking children out of Haiti

Haitian police have arrested 10 U.S. citizens caught trying to take 33 children out of the earthquake-stricken country in a suspected illicit adoption scheme, authorities said on Saturday. The five men and five women were in custody in the capital, Port-au-Prince after their arrests on Friday night. There are fears that traffickers could try to exploit the chaos and turmoil following Haiti’s January 12 earthquake quake to engage in illegal adoptions. One of the suspects, who says she is leader of an Idaho-based charity called New Life Children’s Refuge, denied they had done anything wrong. The suspects were detained at Malpasse, Haiti’s main border crossing with the Dominican Republic, after Haitian police conducted a routine search of their vehicle. Authorities said the Americans had no documents to prove they had cleared the adoption of the 33 children — aged 2 months to 12 years — through any embassy and no papers showing they were made orphans by the quake in the impoverished Caribbean country. [Millions of children in THIS country have issues they could use some help with so why are these idiots screwing around in Haiti?…ed]

Obama’s Deaf Ear May Cost His Success

This week, Obama showed himself once again to be out of touch with both Americans and with the current debt situation in the United States. He spoke of the determination, optimism, and fundamental decency in Americans that lives on and yet he seemed to suggest that that meant Americans would be determined to pass his health care reform and massive entitlement expansion. If Obama wants his presidency to be a success and for our economy to turn around, he will need to learn the lessons of the recent elections. To regain his footing with the American people, he will have to do more than institute a delayed, short-term, token spending freeze and acknowledge that the key to pulling us out of this recession lies with the innovation and motivation of the American people—not with yet another expensive program. [Obama, like most recent presidents, is nothing more than a puppet of the small group of people who really run the planet in the shadows. He will do their bidding regardless of what the American people want. They found a perfect person for the job as Obama has the type of arrogant ego that allows him to go about his business without empathy or humility…ed]

Presidential Sins. Because of a trio of mistakes by Obama, Democrats’ hold on Congress is increasingly precarious.

Having given himself “a good, solid B-plus” for his first year in office and declaring he would “rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,” President Obama has a lot of people, even in his own party, wondering what on earth constitutes a good performance to his way of thinking. Jimmy Carter is the only president in over a century who failed to win re-election after taking over from the other party. That presidents usually get re-elected is of little solace to Democrats bracing for losses that could be comparable to the epic midterm election defeats of 1958, 1974, 1982, 1994, and 2006. [It’s going to take one helluva performance for him to climb outta the hole he’s dug just to become a one term mediocre president…ed]

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